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Portraits in technique a dry brush in color.

To order a portrait a dry brush, oil from a nature and on a photo. A site of artist Dedyk Yakov. The order of painting and sale of pictures on the Internet.


Portraits in technique a dry brush the next page


Color portrait in technique " a dry brush "

Black-and-white a portrait in technique" a dry brush "

Portrait oil on a canvas

In the mixed technique a water color, a pastel, a pencil, coal

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To order a portrait in engineering a dry brush, Moscow. The order of a portrait Moscow. A portrait from a photo a dry brush to draw a portrait in Moscow. To order a portrait on a photo. The artist - portraitist will draw a portrait from photos, a portrait from a photo in Moscow, a portrait from a photo Moscow, a dry brush. To order a portrait a dry brush on a photo Moscow. A modern portrait, an art portrait, a picturesque portrait in Moscow. The order of a portrait Moscow. A modern portrait in engineering a dry brush, portraits from a nature to order, the diagram of a dry brush in color.



On this page in technique a dry brush portraits, family, group, wedding and classical statements are in color submitted. And if you have decided to embody in paints of someone from relatives to you people a portrait in technique the dry brush will be a fine gift. To order a portrait a dry brush from a nature or on a photo you can, having called me on ph. Moscow, region: 8-962-189-15-98, or having sent the letter on E-mail: yakovdedyk@yandex.ru. A dry brush - picturesque and graphic technique. As a basis the paper or a canvas and oil paints is used. (Use also other dyes: drawing sauce, the Chinese ink, a water color, distemper). Specificity of technique the dry brush is application in a paint of very insignificant quantity of binding substances so that the brush remained almost dry. About a dry brush it is necessary to speak faster as about picturesque reception, rather than as about the detached technique as its making materials, are a basis of painting by oil.

 Portrait. A dry brush. 2011 a portrait with hands a dry brush of 2008  a color portrait from photos a dry brush. 2011

портрет сухой кистью

kids portrait in technique a dry brush


 Portrait. A dry brush. 2005  kids portrait in technique a dry brush of 2008 portrait. A dry brush. 2006

Portraits in technique a dry brush

Portrait. A dry brush.

1052. портрет с фотографии в технике сухая кисть

a color portrait in technique a dry brush. 2007.   a portrait from photos. A dry brush. 2007


 Jessica Alba. Portrait. A dry brush. 2011 a wedding portrait. A dry brush. 2007 Olga. A dry brush. 2011

 Portrait in technique a dry brush    portrait A dry brush.    Portraits in technique a dry brush   937

                                                                                                                                                                Portrait of the woman A dry brush. 2008


  Portraits in technique a dry brush the next page

 Dry brush - technique of work as oil paints on a paper or a canvas. Enables to do in a portrait a detailed portrayal of forms, allowing to achieve photographic effect. However, the technique a dry brush concedes in a range of opportunities of painting by oil (as in a portrait there are objects with the different superficial invoice), therefore for elimination of these defects as the mixed technique with various combinations of materials is used. As it was already spoken, the basic component for reception of a dry brush are oil paints which are pounded on a paper or a canvas by brushes. However, this picturesque reception not simply primitive shading of a paint. Painting by a dry brush can be multilayered and combine various picturesque materials and effects. The figure executed by a dry brush does not demand special fastening as the part of binding substances will penetrate directly into a basis of a paper or a canvas. As a thinner in a dry brush oil, turpentine, solar oil which give to a paint different properties (all works - author's are used, the desperate request to not copy and to not publish them without the consent of their owners).
On this page my author's works (portraits in the mixed technique and in technique dry brush from a nature and on photos) are submitted. At the possible publication on other resources, the reference to a site http://yakovdedyk.narod.ru/ is obligatory. The information on this page is initial. Any recurrence of the text and images on other Internet - resources or sources of the information without the consent and the recommendation of the author of clauses of a site can be considered only as plagiarism.

Portraits, pictures and compositions on genre subjects.

Portraits of women :: the Man's portrait :: Kids portraits :: the Group portrait :: Pictures and compositions :: Graphic arts  :: Naked nature :: Cartoons

  On a site of modern artist - portraitist Yakov Dedyk we can order a portrait from a nature and on a photo order a portrait oil on a canvas, a portrait a pencil, coal, a portrait from photos a dry brush. To order a picture oil, to draw a portrait, portrait painting, a landscape, a naked nature, figure, a still-life. To order a portrait in technique a pastel, a water color, coal, oil paints, distemper, a dry brush, in a pencil, from a nature and on a photo in a gift for one anniversary or to birthday. Having contacted the artist by the phone or having sent the letter on E-mail, you can order author's painting and to the hand-worked diagram.

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